Living WATER

Living WATER


Water is essential for the survival of all living things on Earth. It represents about 60 to 70 percent of the human body weight. In fact, the body is a bag of water in which life processes take place regularly inside or outside the cells. In children, the proportion is higher and decreases with age.

To replace fluid, it is best to consume plain water. Water should not be confused with coffee, tea, carbonated and alcoholic beverages, as these have a diuretic effect or accelerate the excretion of water from the body.


The research carried out by Martin Wagner, MD, from Germany and William Shotyk, MD, from Canada points to the problem of plastic water bottles, which are appearing more and more in stores. Plastic bottles contain antimony (carcinogenic), bisphenol (causes cardiovascular disease and liver problems) and phthalates (interfere with the action of hormones).


For multinationals, the sale of plastic water bottles is a gold mine, which means that they will certainly insist and lobby that these substances are not harmful. On the other hand, independent scientists note that water from plastic bottles is potentially dangerous to health. The long-term effects on the human body are difficult to measure. Drinking water from plastic bottles makes sense where there is no drinking water. However, the story in Slovenia's everyday life is completely different since clean drinking water flows from the tap. We also call it living water.



A Japanese physician of complementary medicine who has been researching water for 15 years is famous for his claim that human consciousness influences water's molecular structure, as evidenced by photographs of crystals in his book The Message of Water. In it, he emphasizes the power of the word (people's thoughts) and its impact on water.

Prayer, music, optimistic and positive words that water receives heal us and the entire universe. When water molecules are exposed to beautiful words, they begin to connect with each other differently, and water clusters become smaller and better organized. Due to this, the cells in our body can absorb such water faster and more efficiently. Such well-structured and "organized" water is called informed water. It has a beneficial, healing effect on the body if it carries the active ingredients' electromagnetic oscillations.

In contrast, when exposed to inharmonious loud music and pollution in large developed cities, water loses its shape, which is a sign that we urgently need to change our way of life.




Like Emoto, in the center of Bioresona, we believe that we can inform water. You can then use it as an additional "medicine" in between our therapies or if you are not able to attend.

The basic formula of water is H2O. Two hydrogen atoms act as a positive pole, while one molecule of oxygen acts as a negative pole. These two poles cancel each other out, yet a water molecule is polar - like a small magnet that attracts the next water molecule and the next one (with the help of hydrogen bonds). Such a structure results in "cluster" formations.



In the presence of a foreign molecule, a cluster of water molecules immediately surrounds such a molecule and assumes its electromagnetic characteristics/oscillations. When a substance, either a harmful substance (viruses, chemicals, allergen, medicine, etc.) or a useful micronutrient leaves the cluster, it is no longer present in physical form, but an electromagnetic wave remains in the water cluster, i.e., its frequency pattern - its memory.

Just as we record and listen to music on a phonograph record, we can use BICOM bioresonance to record and process oscillations from water clusters, which leads to the separation of the hydrogen cluster structural bonds. As a result, the molecular oscillation disturbance stored in the cluster loses its original stable configuration and oscillation intensity.

It can thus be concluded that frequency samples of medicines, microbes as well as your body substances are individually imprinted in water with the help of BICOM bioresonance. In this way, you drink informed water every day until the next therapy. Your body is thus continuously receiving healing information and stays in resonance for a longer time, which leads to the improvement of your problems.


This year, due to the inability to perform therapies during the covid-19 epidemic, we only performed therapies with informed drops. Since it was just around the time of hay fever, we focused on such symptoms. We have received a lot of positive feedback. One of the satisfied mothers confirmed the following:

»The spray has really helped me with allergies; I use it regularly twice a day (morning and evening). My kids and husband are all allergic to hay fever, but the symptoms are lighter than all the years so far. It looked worse at first, but whenever their nose starts to itch, or they start to sneeze, or their eyes itch, they use sprays, and the situation improves. So it helps them too.
Thank you very much for your care; I am glad we found a natural alternative to hay fever without a lot of 'artificial additives,' and I'm happy to turn to you again when we run out of the spray.

R.V., Gorenjska region, Slovenia


Written by: Aleksandra Barbarić Kovačić, MD


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