When to choose bioresonance?

When to choose bioresonance?


Bioresonance is more and more recognised as a natural healing method and is no longer just a fashion trend, as it has been present in Slovenia for 35 years (and abroad for 45 years). A doctor, who is familiar with alternative and complementary forms of healing, will recognise bioresonance is a fusion of knowledge of both traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture and homeopathy, brought into the modern age of electronics. The combination of these skills is well used in our Bioresona centres to help patients. When and how to choose bioresonance is easy. Part of the answer is presented in this article, but otherwise you can always contact us by email or phone and consult our staff.

Acute diseases

At the Bioresona Centre, we always suggest that acute conditions are treated by medical specialists, and bioresonance is used as a complementary treatment to complement existing medical instructions.

Patients who present with fever and general malaise as a sign of illness are advised to consult their chosen doctor first. At the same time, they can call our centre to receive further recommendations for a faster recovery after consulting their doctor. If recovery from an acute condition is more prolonged, bioresonance support is the right choice.

The only exceptions to these rules are acute sprains and acute exacerbations of allergies, such as neurodermatitis or hay fever, where the patient can visit bioresonance as soon as signs and symptoms appear. In hay fever, therapies can be started as early as one month before the onset of pollen. We have already written on this topic in a separate article, feel free to read on.

"I don't believe in conventional medicine anymore."

It happens that when we visit a patient, we hear statements such as "They can't help me!", "The tests have shown nothing, but I still don't feel well", "I don't believe in conventional medicine anymore!", "They only prescribe medicines!". The advantage of a complementary doctor for such patients is precisely that he can think both conventionally and unconventionally, that is, he can be a conventional as well as a complementary doctor. Only a doctor with knowledge of both can judge to what extent he can help with natural methods to bring the patient closer to his improved condition, and when to draw the line when bioresonance becomes a mere support alongside conventional therapy.

Chronic diseases

Chronic diseases are a good example of both branches of medicine working together. Patients are already under conventional treatment but often still have problems and seek additional help from us. With bioresonance, we add the necessary "icing on the cake", stimulating the body to self-regulation and improved metabolism, which in turn leads to better utilisation of conventional medicines.

Chronic illnesses include a wide range of diseases that last for periods of more than six months. If you have any questions about the nature of your illness, you can always ask our healthcare team.

"I'm on too much medication."

There is a rule in medicine that a patient's number of medicines should be limited to a maximum of six. In practice, this is not always the case. Sooner or later, one medicine provokes side effects that are alleviated by another medicine. Or specialists limit themselves to one area and forget others. Let us stress that we are not against medicines in our centre, but we are against overuse and overmedication. Through many years of practice, we have come to understand that bioresonance can influence the body's metabolism and the better action of medicines in the body, which in turn leads to the need to stop or reduce the concentration of a medicine. A good example is medication for high blood pressure. Bioresonance treatment can reduce blood pressure levels, but if we are also taking blood pressure-lowering drugs, we can quickly reach dangerously low blood pressure levels.


Preventive bioresonance

Once a patient has reached an improved state of health, we work together to decide on the periodic therapies needed to maintain this state. This depends on your age, the underlying disease and associated problems, and the course of our previous therapies within the bioresonance programme.

Take your health into your own hands and get involved in bioresonance prevention programmes. Prevention has always been and will always be the key.

Medical bioresonance - which problems do patients see us most often for?

For 20 years we have been most successful with allergy problems - skin, respiratory or intestinal. We help with pain syndromes, which can be of autoimmune origin as well as age-related changes or wear and tear. A large part of the population suffers from headaches and hormonal disorders, which we also successfully alleviate with the help of bioresonance. If you have a specific problem that you do not find on our list, you can always call us. Our professional staff will be happy to help you find the answer to your questions.

Antonina Rome, dr.med.


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