What else can we do ourselves to make bioresonance treatment really successful?

What else can we do ourselves to make bioresonance treatment really successful?


As we have already mentioned in one of our articles, the best therapists and the best therapeutic methods will not be successful if the patient continues to eat fast food and sweets, smoke, overexpose himself to electrosmog (smartphones and watches), live a stressful life, and have unhealthy lifestyle habits. It is the patients themselves, whether in conventional or complementary medicine, who make the most important contribution to healing. The more the patient cooperates, the better the therapeutic success will be and the faster the desired goal will be achieved.

The BICOM bioresonance method promotes the normalisation of the body's own regulation and increases the body's energy power and defensive power.

Water is the key to everything

The first rule for successful bioresonance treatment is to drink plenty of water.

During the therapy, toxic and ballast substances are released and can be excreted through the liver, bile, kidneys and intestines. This can only happen if the body is sufficiently hydrated. Water, which is not rich in minerals, is best able to bind toxic substances to itself and then excrete them. In drinks such as lemonade and coffee, other substances are already present, so there is less chance of toxins being bound and excreted. It is recommended to drink 2 to 3 litres of pure, living water (spring or filtered tap water) daily. You should drink at least one litre of water immediately after BICOM bioresonance therapy and no alcohol, coffee or black tea for 6 hours after the therapy.

Food for energy and recovery

The second golden rule is to eat a healthy diet!

It is very important to eat wholesome, fresh, preferably organically produced food that does not contain additional toxic substances such as pesticides, preservatives, dyes. This is because such food puts additional strain on our bodies. We advise you to follow the following tips when choosing your food during the bioresonance treatment and afterwards:

  • Do not eat pork! Pork blocks the lymph nodes in the intestines and puts a strain on our immune system. It contains intracellular fats, which are high in toxic substances and, due to their similarity to human fats, pass unhindered through the intestinal wall. An additional problem is the residues of hormones and antibiotics often found in feed for conventionally reared pigs.
  • Do not overuse white flour and wheat products! Such products encourage the growth of pathogenic bacteria and fungi and thus have a bad effect on the intestinal flora.
  • Reduce your intake of cow's milk or, if BICOM therapy shows a positive reaction, avoid milk and milk products completely. These also stimulate the growth of pathogenic fungi and, in large quantities, add to the body's burden.


Sleep for health

The third rule is rest and sleep.

Give your body enough restful sleep (7 to 8 hours for adults) on an unencumbered bed in complete darkness, which has a beneficial effect on your circadian rhythm. Remove all digital distractions (computer, TV or mobile phone or put your mobile phone on airplane mode) from your bedroom. This is the only way to give you and your cells a chance to regenerate. Relaxation exercises and walks in nature are also welcome.


What goes in must come out

The fourth rule is elimination.

Since bioresonance therapy stimulates the elimination of toxic substances, which is mostly done through our largest organ (the skin), it is advisable to visit saunas and massages, take salt baths, dry brush or alternate hot and cold showers during the therapy. Optimal elimination via the liver, bile and intestines should also be ensured, which means regular bowel movements. The elimination of toxins through the lungs is promoted by breathing exercises, inhalations, aerobic exercise and exercise in the fresh air.

Peace of mind = peace in the body

The fifth but equally important rule is the mental component.

It is said that a placebo is already half the effect of the therapy. This means that although the success of bioresonance therapy has been proven in babies and animals (groups who do not know what kind of therapy is being given to them), the effect of the therapy will certainly be better if you are open, trust the therapist, have a positive nature and really want to heal.

Our therapists invite you to visit us, as we believe that we can help you to eliminate or alleviate your health problems. For more information, you can email us at info@bioresona.com or fill in and submit the contact form below.


Prepared by Aleksandra Barbarić Kovačić, MD


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